Our identity
since 2008
14 practice
14 different working groups
highly specialised
start-up, SME, Public Administrators,
Multinational companies
International presence
9 offices in Europe and worldwide

By our customers' side
the Future
PANETTA Consulting Group is the vision of a group of professionals to offer integrated and complex services in the fields of data economy, data protection, AI, through strategies on the ethical and balanced use of new technologies, between business needs and compliance with rules.
A multidisciplinary group
Our entities

Legal consultancy
Our team of professionals and lawyers
For over 15 years, we have been providing support to our clients on all the most significant legal matters for their business and institutional activities, ensuring high-quality consultancy and assistance.
Service in outsourcing
For companies and public bodies
Every day, we work on data governance management with national and multinational companies, as well as public administrations, acting as their external DPO
Innovation booster
For technology that moves fast
The challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies are numerous and require governance full of insight and adaptability.

Years of experience on the front line alongside some of the leading players in the market and institutions allow us to assist our clients in a thorough, dynamic and efficient manner.
Our international network
Our head office in Palazzo Ferrajoli, Rome