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“Heading towards a new privacy?” Conference in memory of Stefano Rodotà

On October 6th at Fondazione Basso’s Conference Room in Rome, there will be a Symposyum titled “Heading towards a new privacy? Conference in memory of Stefano Rodotà”.

On October 6th, from 5.30 pm, at Fondazione Lelio and Lisli Basso’s Conference Room in Via della Dogana Vecchia n. 5, Rome, there will be a Symposyum titled “Heading towards a new privacy? Conference in memory of Stefano Rodotà“.

The Symposyum has been organized to remember the huge contribution and legacy that Professor Stefano Rodotà left behind with regards to the birth of the discipline of data protection law, both in Italy and abroad, and its subsequent and fundamental developments: from the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to the General Data Protection Regulation.

During the Symposyum there will be speeches from: Antonello Soro, Head of the Italian Data Protection Authority (the Garante); Giovanni Buttarelli, European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS); and Rocco Panetta, Founding and Managing Partner of Panetta & Associati.

It is possible to sign up for the event by sending an email to the following address: basso@fondazionebasso.it
