On Thursday 12 October at 17:00 Vincenzo Tiani will moderate the Brussels Privacy Hub panel: The DMA is here: a GDPR 2.0 for fairer digital markets?
The event is co-hosted by the IAPP Knowledgenet Chapter of Brussels.
The Digital Markets Act is a key piece of legislation in the field of digital platform governance, aimed at promoting a more competitive and transparent data ecosystem within the European Union. This Act seeks to address several key aspects of competitiveness and fairness in the digital markets, also considering the interactions with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The DMA incorporates the GDPR’s principles on data subjects’ rights and consent and imposes additional duties on dominant companies in the digital markets. The law reinforces the requirement for explicit consent of data subjects for the use of their data in data markets, even strengthening the interoperability requirements and removing digital barriers to online competition.
How will the DMA affect the gatekeepers we know and their business model? Is the era of profiling without consent over?
To discuss this, we will start with the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU in the Meta Platforms and others case (C-252/21)
Our guests:
Anna Colaps – Member of cabinet, EDPS
Joe Jones – Director of Research & Insights, IAPP
Jan Penfrat – Senior Policy Advisor, EDRi
Anne Witt – Professor of Competition Law; EDHEC Business School
Vincenzo Tiani– Programme & Dissemination Coordinator, VUB Brussels Privacy Hub; Co-Chair Brussels Knowledgenet Chapter, IAPP; Partner Brussels Office, PANETTA
You can join the panel on Teams HERE.